When container ships jumped from carrying 6,000 Twenty-foot Equivalent Units (TEU’s) to 10,000 or more TEU’s per vessel, Beneficial Cargo Owners (BCO) and shippers started scratching their heads questioning why… read more →
Snow storms hit the Port of Virginia twice in late January, shutting down the port both times, and increasing congestion that port officials believe will be cleared out in just… read more →
We’ve noted previously the issues happening on the U.S. West Coast as imports soar and containers flood into ports, ready to hit store shelves in time for the holiday season.… read more →
Severe congestion and equipment shortages are erupting across the United States and being felt in Asia and Europe. As imports from Asia surge into the west coast ports of Los… read more →
The adage, anything that can go wrong, will go wrong is working overtime when it comes to port congestion in China. Because of huge demand, bad weather and COVID-19 health… read more →
Inefficiencies are at the root of the container shortages and delays in the US market. According to a study by the JOC, neither more money nor more equipment will solve… read more →